In charge of strategic development of the coaching and volunteering workforce in his work at Sport Wales, and recently appointed to the Sport Wales Advisory Group (SWAG), James Owens is well placed to provide a view on the next steps needed towards the ideal volunteer picture.
Here, he gives his take on the next key steps for sport in Wales.
If there is one thing that is certain about sports volunteering in Wales, it’s that we won’t truly be a world leading nation until everyone takes responsibility for their role in making it a success.
We’ve made such significant strides forward. The proportion of volunteers in Wales has doubled from 5% in 2008/09 to 10% in 2012. That’s around 125,000 more people getting involved in coaching, officiating, washing the kit, administration, and a whole range of other jobs.
Volunteers are committing slightly less hours than they have in the past. But that’s not a negative because we don’t want a situation where person leaving the club can have a drastic negative impact. The ideal for us is a volunteering family where the workload is shared, everyone is clear on their roles and how they contribute, they are supported to do their role and get something back from the time and effort they put in.
But when I say that everyone needs to take responsibility, what do I mean?
Firstly, the public need to take responsibility for the role they can play. We know that parents of school-age children, sport participants and young people – particularly students – are amongst the groups most likely to volunteer. You’re also more likely to volunteer if you’re from a higher social grade.
And do we truly value and champion our volunteers? They are never going to get the headlines our elite sportspeople enjoy but, surely, we can hold them up as being the people who contribute more than others to community life.
Without our volunteers our towns and villages would be much poorer places to live. We have to keep championing they work they do and inspiring others to follow them in the volunteering family.
In the run up to the Wales Sport Awards I think it’s worth remembering that even a simple thank you can make a difference.
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