The Welsh Language Commissioner has worked with many of the national governing bodies of sport by sharing information on how to increase their Welsh medium provision.
According to the 2011 Census results the age group with the highest percentage of Welsh speakers is 10 -14 year olds, of which 42.2% speak Welsh.
According to the 2011 Census results the age group with the highest percentage of Welsh speakers is 10 -14 year olds, of which 42.2% speak Welsh.
There has been a steady increase in the percentage of 3-4 year olds who speak Welsh and experts believe that this figure should increase again by the next census.
With the number of young people with Welsh language skills increasing it’s possible that there will be a greater demand for Welsh medium services.
The advantages of offering Welsh medium services:
¢ Offering services in Welsh is a way of giving your members a comprehensive service.
¢ It’s a way of showing pride in your Welsh identity.
¢ It can help you to reach new audiences through gaining coverage in Welsh language media.
¢ It can help you to increase membership and gain new volunteers
¢ Offering Welsh medium services can be a grant condition.
Where to start?
Where to start?
¢ Conduct an audit of your staff, trainers and volunteers’ Welsh language skills.
¢ Assess your current Welsh medium provision.
¢ Identify any gap in your current provision and identify opportunities to fill those gaps.
¢ Encourage your athletes, trainers and members to use their Welsh language skills.
¢ Ensure that you include Welsh language content in your marketing materials.
¢ Ensure that you include Welsh medium provision in your planning from the outset; it’s much easier than trying to translate or to recruit Welsh speaking volunteers at the last minute.
What can the Welsh Language Commissioner offer you?
We can offer you tailored support on how to increase your Welsh medium provision.
Free proofreading service, up to a 1,000 words – if you can prepare the text in Welsh we can get it proof-read by a professional translator.
Training on Welsh language awareness and practical guidance on how to develop Welsh medium services.
Guidance on how to recruit Welsh speaking volunteers
If you would like further information on how the Commissioner may be able to offer guidance contact:
0845 6033 221
0845 6033 221
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